Fresh Daily Newsletter 15th -22nd February ; Valentines, Vegetables and Moral Victories


Good Day To You,


The new week is upon us and we are grateful to the Creator the last week and all its accompanying blessings. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and we send out our love to all of customers and the whole community. They say food is love made edible; we have a whole truckload of love to distribute this week.


The harvest from our farm has come in all colours, textures and shapes. We are officially in the hottest part of the year and the weather is really affecting our greens and salad production. Even with all our best efforts at irrigation, some of our crops are feeling the adverse effects of the heat. Our spinach has been the most badly affected as most of their leaves are showing signs of heat stress. We would be giving them out as freebies this week as we aim to sell only the freshest and highest quality vegetables but at the same time minimize waste. What these veggies lack in aesthetics they more than make up for it in taste.




The economic depression we are currently going through in Nigeria has altered every facet of our lives both positively and negatively. In the midst of all the uncertainties and spiraling crime rate across the country, I choose to focus on the positives not because we want to bury our heads in the sands but because we want to nurture the soil and shape the world to more humane, compassionate and inspiring world. I say this because a lot of people have asked how profitable is farming really? I always tell them simply- farming done right is extremely rewarding; financially, emotionally and socially. Growing food for your community is a moral victory over all the negatives that pervade our day to day experiences and we the Fresh Daily team would not rather be doing anything else. Thanks for choosing us and have a love filled week




Kabir Onimisi ADEMOH